Monday, July 6, 2009

just a day

Hello cyber space today was a day just one of those days were you wonder. I woke up to the news that a friend had passed on. Then I could not find my clothes for work. Oh all this was after spending my whole sunday away from home. i get to work and the boss wants us to do the shit I hate. i get a text from roommates saying they want to move. I dont collect shit. I get a call from my other boss he could not find my invoice my loan is going slow thanks to the investor.I get home TO is not feeling good. I dont spend time with my dog. I am going crazy like I am falling down a black tunnel. I know in God is taking care of it yet Sometimes it is to much. That is why I started to write. To get my crazyness out so I can move on. I have to find new roommates. deal with the current ones figure out the money. All this with trying to unnderstand the ones in my house. I wonder what God is preparing me for. I am not this strong. I will no matter what continue on. I shall overcome all this and it will be better. I think I need to see a doctor to discuss the issues in my head. My head is a crazy place it is like at a circus the house of mirrors. Nothing is in proper perspective. I will figure it out. Some times I want to be out of control/ Just give it all up. Be unaccountable. I know I cant cause to many count on me. Well good night.

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