Sunday, July 26, 2009

Just Checking in

Well it has been a few weeks and I just wanted to check in,
Life has provided some interesting turns in the last few weeks but nothing us at Flaming Gorge cant handle. TO starts his new job in the morning I am so proud of him he took his passion and made it a job. Way to go TO. RT and PR have decided to move. Thank you God I remember a few weeks back I was asking for strength. God has a way of taking care of things as long as we step out of the way. JM is doing good and trying harder to intergrate into society. As for me well just trying to keep positive. Today I did not want to go to my second job. I get burnt out, I wanted to stay on the internet looking to make a trade for a ipod touch I want one so bad, God will get it for me when it is time. I am going to start walking the dogs in the evining when I get home. They are doing so well. I am uplate and at even tired. i went to the hosptial last night to have my elbow drained.I am ok, and some friends came over for a bbq and games, it was fun, I kinda miss have a social life. As soon as TO is working I need to get a night Job if we do this right we can save a lot of money and start to make a good life for us.

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