Sunday, July 12, 2009

Good Bye

Tonight is the eve of my birth. 41 Years ago I was brought into this world. I am now an adult it is time for me to let go of the thoughts of youth and immortality. My life today is good. I have a person in my life whom my higher power that I chose to call God has chosen to be partner best friend and lover to death. This is not the person whom I would have asked for, yet is the greatest person I have ever known. I have two great dogs and two great cats.

If I were to have been asked were I would be tonight the place I am I could have never of dreamed of. There are many things I say I want and as an adult I know wants are not needs.
God gives me my needs. I am a blessed man and a grateful person. This year will be the rising sun. Things I have only drempt I shall accomplish.

Thank you God, AA, Tom, my mother and Father, my friends and those who have touched my life.

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