Friday, July 31, 2009


I am sitting here at work waiting to start my day. I ask why. Why do I continue to push forward sometimes it just seems like life has stoped
That no matter what I do I will never achavie what I have set out to do. Case in point. I busted my ass at work to make a nice
Bouns and then life in its greatness put a financial challange by having 2 roommates leave so I have
To cover them. I was hoping to get my ipod. Truth be told life gave me what I needed and wanted
They were a major disruption to our life
So I pick up a side job this weekend hoping to get my ipod and aafter looking at finances its not happing
I could sit here and say that it is not fair or I can look on the other side of the coin
When I got sober I accepted life on lifes terms and my bills must be Paid. Man it can suck so much
If I let it. I go non stop hoping to gain what I want yet I get to take care of what is needed
And that is what acceptance is. I am sitting waiting to go to work. I wanted a good life. And that
Is not free I have a nice home a great relationship the perfect person in my life
All the other things can go away and I would still be happy

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