Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Beauty of life

They say when life gives you lemons make lemonade,
I think life is about creating, creating our own world, the good, the bad, the love, the hurt.
As a young man I could blame people, places, my rank in society, my race, my parents, etc.
As an adult I can only look in the mirror and ask. What is it that I need ? How can I achieve ?
When I place others and there thoughts in front of mine and the things I know is right I will never have peace. Yes I know others are important and I should always consider others in my actions. With that said I am still the one who is accountable for my actions.
I am powerless over others and my own life is unmanageable until I Let go and give the power away. It is when I do this I can grow and learn. It is not that I have been defeated or even lost. For to surrender is to accept. Acceptance is not an action of weakness or defeat but of strength. The strength to grow, learn and mature. Many will say the road is long and hard others will say the road is narrow and some will say less traveled. I my self say we all travel it some willingly and some not so. The length is are to decide and the width can be narrow unless you allow your friends to travel along. No man is an island we are part of a nucleus, it is when we forget that it takes a village to raise a child and attempt to face life alone that the road becomes long and narrow. The greatest gift is friendship pure and simple like that of a child the trust to accept the security of the care giver.

When I accept that people places and things are there, there for a reason, a lesson to me I can then see the beauty. I can then accept the good, the bad, the love, the hurt.
Life is beautiful as long as I allow it to be. As long as I let go. An oxymoron some would say. For it is when I let go let God, I then have control. It is when I surrender, I gain control, It is when I accept I can change. Life

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