Friday, September 27, 2013


A very interesting insight. For months prior to my seperation I felt like my partner and roommate where having an affair. Today that was confirmed by 3 people. I reflect and think how he set in judgement of others for having a relationship with someone 20 years younger. Yet he does it. How he would judge people here illegal yet he is sleeping with one.
He is the biggest con I have ever known. I was going to walk away yet now I will stand strong. I filed in civil court today for the truck or my share of it.

It is sad to think I never knew this person. I knew what was going on I just did not care. I have researched his boyfriend in town and he is just as big as con. The two belong with each other. I will enjoy the day I see them fail. I will stand with joy, I tried to be his friend, he just uses people.
To heck with him. His con ways.

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