Friday, May 3, 2013


I am in pain suffering but must work to take care of my home and pets. I have asked him to spend time with them today, and he is doing it again. He is such a control freak he will not just be there and care. I do not want to depend on him for anything yet damn he knows the pain I am in. Shit I took care of him many times when he could not walk. Yet he only has one thing in mind and that is to make me suffer as much as he can.

You would think all the late nights I stayed awake taking him to the er cause he could not walk or the days I held him because the medication he was on made him feel like he had the flu. Or the back rubs because his back was in pain, would at least would give me some kind of compassion. But no he is all about how to make me suffer. He abandon me and the pets for his own wants and needs. i do not care what he does to me I can not be hurt more then what he has done. The pets need love and interaction yet to punish he he denys them.

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