Monday, May 6, 2013

A new week A new Outlook.

So as I start off the week, I reflect on the last week and must take the lessons and embrace the beauty of them.
i can reflect and live in the pain if I chose or I can enjoy the beauty. It is still hard to know he is such an evil person that he would abandon the pets and have no concern over my health.   As one of his best friends said, If I am surprised it is only because I lied to myself.  Upon reflection all the times I needed support he was not there. So why would I consider this to be different. I was lying to myself all along.
I have a minor surgery today I was wanting him to be there for the dogs since I will be in pain today yet he can not even reply to the request. I am blessed I have people around to help. The dogs will know I am not able to be there tonight for them and will be as they always have protecting me.

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