Saturday, September 11, 2010


I am the luckiest Man in the world.
Thank you Tom,
Thank you for believing in me when no one else did.
Thank you for loving me when I could not.
Tonight I remember the love and am blessed to have you in my life

Friday, August 20, 2010


My man is my wonder. My wonder Man, The man who makes me wonder. The wonderful man in my life. He is wonderful. So much shit has gone in our life yet somehow we survive. We have a few very dear friends who are there for us we are truly blessed. I am truly blessed.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010


As i long in the night sky,I pondered the reason why.
I know the answer is all around yet at times I allow my pride, my fear, the feelings I hide inside to cloud my vision of truth. Life is not a privilege but a gift. As my cats lay perched on there tree cuddled together my dogs one in bed here with me the other downstairs to keep watch over Tom. My life for a moment is like the breeze of the night. If I allow myself to dream and to relax I can have the peace I so long for. It is written we shall return from were we came from it is that moment when I shut of my head when I trust as my cats that I return and know true peace. When as a eagle soaring across the sky wings stretched out and flowing in a jet stream spanning great distance with little effort. That peace that choice to let go and flow with nature with life to move forward and trust. The choice to be free, the choice to dream, the choice to chose. Life the gift of love. Life the freedom to believe. Life is a moment in time multiplied by a unknown and equal to my actions divided by others reactions. My life today is a choice a choice to be free or in bondage. A choice to give or take, to love or hate. It is I who will decide to honor the gift of life or decimate it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Out with the old in with the new

Hello world Just thought I would drop a few lines to update.
Tom and I are working on the new house We were able to Paint half the downstairs and clean the floors yesterday.
Lots of work I want to get it done and move in.
The dogs re doing ok I think Thor kinda is upset about the move.
The cats are well you know cats so I dont really need to say much.
I have been up since 4:30 to make sure Tom gets to his doctors this morning, Then off to paint and clean. Oh what a week. I plan on having a party for my Birthday in July. It would be nice the house is so big.

You know this time at home and spending it with Tom is nice. After the move and we are settled in I want to get a new Job and start on a 7 year Plan. If my writing is strange it is because I have to stop every few moments to throw Thor his ball. He is a good baby loves to play ball. My life is at a mixed stage and if I forget to count the great things in it I would focus on the negative and that would be bad. Thank God for Tom the dogs cats family and Friends. Every one have a great Day.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Road trip

Today was a great day. Tom suprised with a road trip to see a friend in Ventura it was nice to be out of the house. We went to the seal protected area. It was nice. We are on the freeway now a accident so it is slow. I had fun

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Monday, April 5, 2010


So I just watched this show on t.v. About the family business and following your dreams. That you will never be happy until you do. Why reflecting on this I reliezed I do don't have any dreams I did but I have left them to do survive. I have recently noticed that I do very littel of what I like or have very littel time for myself. Life deals us our cards it is up to us to play the hand

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Deep into the night you search
Deep into the day you search
What is it that you are searching for
Is not all you want is right before your eyes
I promise you the best is there if you open your eyes.
I learned as a child the things you have if you do not take care of you will one day no longer have. Enjoy your journey if you must yet do not be suprised if one day that what you have is no longer yours. Searching to find what you have searching searching

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I sit there in a room I am not alone yet I should be. Life continues on yet it is as if I am alone. Noise all around yet no conversation I am not a man on my own island for then it would be by chose. I ask a question and it becomes a war. Life is playing the hand I am out of chips the bank I was to depend on has been closed. I am lost like a bird in the water. I look and I know I shall find I am
I have
I shall

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Just a day like no otherday

Hi how r u
Hope u r doing good
I am waiting on Tom to finish his pt
Just deceided to write a few lines
Life is good NO great. I had fun yesterday out with Tom and Nina and the. A enjoyable evening at home. This is my week to get all my paperwork done so I can start school. I am going to start at. rcc but I want to transfer to univ of orgeon it is less expensive and. Better school we will see how things go. Other then that all is great. I can not complain I have a great man in my life I am a happy camper. See you

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Monday, March 22, 2010


Well here I sit in the heat. It is nice. I wonder about life. I have decedied to go back to school I know I will have to sacerfice yet I believe the rewards will worth it. Why must I have hurdels. I wish I could just do what is best.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday morning

Good morning from hometown buffet. Tom is enjoying his fried chicken with roast beef and coconut cream pie since breakfast is over. Oh happy day oh happy day. I hope all have a blessed day. Oh happy day

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Sunday, March 14, 2010


Well hello world.
Hope all is going good for Tom it is hard the boys took over his couch. It was so funny. And then Steinbeck gets up walks around to Tom and sticks his face right into Toms wanting love.
Life is so great when we forget about all the shit and enjoy the small things. I am a blessed person today and am very happy with all the gifts God has giving me. I hope everyone has a great week.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Ok so like I am now on the I phone and it allows me to post blogs real easy. I so wanted to avoid AT&T but man the iPhone rocks. I am so happy with it. It is such a nice device

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oh Great Life

Well it has been awhile since I posted anything here.
Life is ok. I can not complain. I am sitting at a nice computer in my house in the bedroom.
The boys are up here with me Tom is downstairs sick I hope he gets better.
I have decided to go back to school. Unsure what to get my degree in but it is now or never.
I am worried about the financial aspect of it but I know God will take care of us.
We have had some bad luck with Roommates cause we are not allowing God to decided but the money. i have decided to step back and let God take care of it and I know it will work out.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Hey you all if you want you can eat pancakes for dinner. Oh yah I have 2cool dogs and me and them are sitting down here wit Tom watching tv

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

I am the buzz in the buzz world

I have Google buzz so I can buzz.
Anyway I hope all have a great vd and enjoy the one you love.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

LIfe with OCD

God grant me the understanding that others don't see the world as I.
That it is not a need for all things to have a place in life.
That a mess is ok.
That I can stop and enjoy life and not be needing to always clean.

I have been going Crazy and wanting to isolate lately.
My house is full and very active. When it was Just Tom and I it was ok. Now that others are here and they don't clean in my manner. I am going crazy in my head I can not rest until all is done. Everything my be in it's place before I rest. Yet I get so tiered cleaning up after others I go to my room and try to hide. I am going crazy and not enjoying Life. I need to get things done and by the time I am done I have to start over. I can clean the kitchen and then by the next day when I get home it is a mess again. I know it is me and it will be used and I can not always have everything perfect. I try to relax but my mind wont let me.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Well as I sit and write this I am sitting infront of my windows. Listening to mellow music.
The boys are resting most of my chores are done. I think a stress is gone. I think Tom has rented out the room.

Today is just a good day. I am happy with my life not a great life but not a bad life. James left to Vegas did not come back. I do not understand why peoplle run when things get better. I quess I have been blessed to know and remember were I came from. As I look around and see all the great things we have I know it is all a blessing. I thank God each day for My sobirty, Tom, My Job, The boys and life my friends and Familly.