Sunday, May 30, 2010


As i long in the night sky,I pondered the reason why.
I know the answer is all around yet at times I allow my pride, my fear, the feelings I hide inside to cloud my vision of truth. Life is not a privilege but a gift. As my cats lay perched on there tree cuddled together my dogs one in bed here with me the other downstairs to keep watch over Tom. My life for a moment is like the breeze of the night. If I allow myself to dream and to relax I can have the peace I so long for. It is written we shall return from were we came from it is that moment when I shut of my head when I trust as my cats that I return and know true peace. When as a eagle soaring across the sky wings stretched out and flowing in a jet stream spanning great distance with little effort. That peace that choice to let go and flow with nature with life to move forward and trust. The choice to be free, the choice to dream, the choice to chose. Life the gift of love. Life the freedom to believe. Life is a moment in time multiplied by a unknown and equal to my actions divided by others reactions. My life today is a choice a choice to be free or in bondage. A choice to give or take, to love or hate. It is I who will decide to honor the gift of life or decimate it.

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