Thursday, May 6, 2010

Out with the old in with the new

Hello world Just thought I would drop a few lines to update.
Tom and I are working on the new house We were able to Paint half the downstairs and clean the floors yesterday.
Lots of work I want to get it done and move in.
The dogs re doing ok I think Thor kinda is upset about the move.
The cats are well you know cats so I dont really need to say much.
I have been up since 4:30 to make sure Tom gets to his doctors this morning, Then off to paint and clean. Oh what a week. I plan on having a party for my Birthday in July. It would be nice the house is so big.

You know this time at home and spending it with Tom is nice. After the move and we are settled in I want to get a new Job and start on a 7 year Plan. If my writing is strange it is because I have to stop every few moments to throw Thor his ball. He is a good baby loves to play ball. My life is at a mixed stage and if I forget to count the great things in it I would focus on the negative and that would be bad. Thank God for Tom the dogs cats family and Friends. Every one have a great Day.

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