Saturday, January 23, 2010

LIfe with OCD

God grant me the understanding that others don't see the world as I.
That it is not a need for all things to have a place in life.
That a mess is ok.
That I can stop and enjoy life and not be needing to always clean.

I have been going Crazy and wanting to isolate lately.
My house is full and very active. When it was Just Tom and I it was ok. Now that others are here and they don't clean in my manner. I am going crazy in my head I can not rest until all is done. Everything my be in it's place before I rest. Yet I get so tiered cleaning up after others I go to my room and try to hide. I am going crazy and not enjoying Life. I need to get things done and by the time I am done I have to start over. I can clean the kitchen and then by the next day when I get home it is a mess again. I know it is me and it will be used and I can not always have everything perfect. I try to relax but my mind wont let me.

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