Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today I am not happy

I have tried and tried again. Today I want go just say fuck it. I am so sick from all this. I get told of all my faults have to walk in my own house on eggs shells spend a lot of time fielding bullshit to keep peace. And in return I am treated like a punk. Talked shit to when ever and expected not to have an opinion. No people my life is not great. My life sucks. I have no harmony I have no support I am in he'll and the fact if this is the gift of sobrity give me a bottel and a point I want off this fucking ride. Love hurts and hurts even more when the person you loves could not give a damn. When if is all about them there world there needs. I did not change my life to be a prisoner to someone else and there shit. I am not responsable for others there issues and the fact that I am a grown man I should be in a grown relationship. God if you are reading this I pray for streangth. Tonight I want to run give up and get the fuck out. I have never hated my life as much as I do right now. God give me strength to see the gift I know it is there.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.

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