Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just a night

Well here I sit waiting for a meeting. I am feeling sick. I can not wait in Friday as soon as I get off it is home and bed. Things are getting better and I know god will do for me and my love ones. It is nice to sit here alone just being by myself. I miss my time. Sometimes it is so over whelming. Yet I. Know that if I just sitback god will take care of it. In a few weeks I am going to Kansas I tell myself it is no big deal bur it is my sister told me on Monday that the girls will be there that weekend. I hope I don't break down. To see in the flesh a creation of a life that came from me. I have never even thought about it the last time I saw the girls they were babies so this is a trip. I know god has a reason for this and I have to give it to him and look for the lesson and blessing. I am greatful that Tom understands why I am going and supports me. I am also worried my dog will be upset that I am going to be gone. I so much love him and the love his so freely gives. Well I will sign off for now

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