Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Life

Hello world it is Sunday night I am kicking back in bed with my best friend Sir Steinbeck my beautiful Black Lab. He is the most loyal and dedicated friend I have ever had. We are watching a movie the joker. We went on a camping trip this weekend stay was interrupted due to Almighty Thor, poor baby hurt his leg but he was a trooper. I think he is ok. I am working on making some major life changes as my 41st birthday is coming up. I am going to check in to getting my drug and alcohol counseling degree so I can help people. I have some wreckage from my past to face and clean up. So I can move forward it is easy but I have just not did it. I have to take care of the student loan I never got so i can get one and go to school.

TO is sick still I hope he gets better, he is a great man. I know he is about out of his funk and is ready to get on with life, we have a great opertunity at this point, we can start to save and I want to. I have chosen to quit smoking for real. Today is my last day.
My goals for my 41st year on earth are.
1 quit smoking.
2 get into shape.
3 run a marathon.
4 save 1000 dollars
5 eat healthy
6 build my bed room set I have designed
7 write a short story
8 get more orginzied
9 go to school
10 clean up my tax issue and child suport
11 Get a good and better paying job ( all I have to do is work on my reume )

I know I could have a better life I just have to find a way to get the time to do it. I am so worried about the stupid stuff , ( is my house clean is everyone ok, I very seldom take time for me )
I need to go back to the basics in life. I am very forunate I have a great man, 4 great kids.

I have always dreamed I would one day make it as a writer, it is hard for my to slow down long anough to put my thoughts in words. This is the longest blog I have done. I think I am getting there. Anyway world good night and have great Week.

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