Monday, November 2, 2009


OK so I went to kansas and I got to spend time wiht my daughters and sister that was great came home that was great Tom brought Steinbeck to get me. Very thoughtful. I love both them

Well friday my sister calls me and her ex husband was acting like a jerk cause I did not go to see him and he was taking it out on my daughters. I am helpless and it pisses me off I was pissed all week end cause I can not do anything. I want to protect them and I know my sister will but why is he being a jerk. And then On saturday Tom and I get in to a fight over stupid ass shit and he dont understand It has nothing to do with him. I am sitting at work stressed about so many things tried to tlk to him he wont talk back I cant do my job wiht all this stress and then if I dont we dont make money and lose all our stuff I hate life today and it is not right what was a good thing one singel jerk turned it into hell. i hate him so much right now. not Tom my sisters ex husband

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