Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Night

Well its me and the boys my two great dogs laying in bed watching Family Guy. I am so grateful for my life even when things seem like I am about to fail I know that I have a person who trust me and counts on me. Life at 40 is better then any time. I am training myself each day to improve my self. This blog is part of it. The good the bed and the life.
More about Flaming Gorge, The residents and the life. We have a 5 person clan. It is ok. We all have all on lifes and on occasion we find time to do things together. JM went with me and TO to one of my side Jobs. He is so far one of the best roommates we have had. He is willing to help around the house with out even asking. Wow that is cool. TO is my partner of 7 years. He is so awsome and trys hard to understand me and the crazyness in my life. I have a big dream and I am going to make it come true.

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