Saturday, June 8, 2013

Open a new chapter

Today I start a new chapter. I chose today as it was to be the 11th year of a relationship. Well the relationship shifted. We are no longer a partnership. Yes it is hard to believe yet it is. Today I am by myself. This is a good thing. Life is moving forward and I must embrace it and learn. Do I hate him ? No. Will I be mean? No. All I can do is set healthy expectations . For 10 years I was there no matter what. Today I have to step back and be here, here for me first then others second. My life is in my hands to mold to grow and to accept. All the good things are mine to embrace and appreciate. If I chose to share them with someone it is only because I chose to. He taught me a lot and I will always care, I no longer feel indebted.

Love can be expressed in many ways and I hope I can continue to express my love for him by loving myself first, and then others. He took me from the streets and raised me to be a man. I have but only one regret, I pushed him away.