Sunday, September 18, 2011

Trying to make it right

This has been a very emotional time in my life. I want to thank my friends who were there for me. Reaching out the hand of a friend. I am not good at asking for help yet my friends know when I need it. Thank you again. My life seems to be getting back on track. I am thankful and greatful.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Devil came to visit

I am truly sad the devil came to my house and I was unable to defend against it. A family for nine years has been destroyed. From the first day that the devil arrived I was against it but in my foolishness to make my partner happy I allowed this devil into our lives. I take full responsibility with that comes change I am now a single dad of 4 great beings I will do my best to nourish them and make it in life. I know it will be a struggle and the emotions are already here. All day I see the sadness in the eyes. The pain of missing a love one. I am not the greatest man on earth nor the best person to be around. I am loyal and faithful. I am devoted to family and honest. This is were I failed instead of being honest I allowed personalty before principles and I must now pay a price. I have loved a man for 9 years the good the bad the hurt the happiness. I pledge to walk thru life with him to be there no matter what today I awake alone lost and in pain. The person I love is not here but the devil is. It is a sad day. It is a hurtful day.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Hi all it has been a while since I have wrote anything.
Alot has changed since I lase wrote. I want to say first I love my life.
I am sitting out by my pool relaxing to the sounds and taking a moment to have peace.
Life is a gift I dont get to enjoy much and I miss Patrick alot. I have decided to find time to find my self. We are living in one of the most beautiful places on earth. We have no more roommates and it is nice. I know as long as I put God first and get out of his way things will only get better. I am trying to learn not to have the need to be in control all the time. Wow what a relief it is to know the world can exist with out my help.