Saturday, April 24, 2010

Road trip

Today was a great day. Tom suprised with a road trip to see a friend in Ventura it was nice to be out of the house. We went to the seal protected area. It was nice. We are on the freeway now a accident so it is slow. I had fun

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Monday, April 5, 2010


So I just watched this show on t.v. About the family business and following your dreams. That you will never be happy until you do. Why reflecting on this I reliezed I do don't have any dreams I did but I have left them to do survive. I have recently noticed that I do very littel of what I like or have very littel time for myself. Life deals us our cards it is up to us to play the hand

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Deep into the night you search
Deep into the day you search
What is it that you are searching for
Is not all you want is right before your eyes
I promise you the best is there if you open your eyes.
I learned as a child the things you have if you do not take care of you will one day no longer have. Enjoy your journey if you must yet do not be suprised if one day that what you have is no longer yours. Searching to find what you have searching searching

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I sit there in a room I am not alone yet I should be. Life continues on yet it is as if I am alone. Noise all around yet no conversation I am not a man on my own island for then it would be by chose. I ask a question and it becomes a war. Life is playing the hand I am out of chips the bank I was to depend on has been closed. I am lost like a bird in the water. I look and I know I shall find I am
I have
I shall

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