Monday, March 29, 2010

Just a day like no otherday

Hi how r u
Hope u r doing good
I am waiting on Tom to finish his pt
Just deceided to write a few lines
Life is good NO great. I had fun yesterday out with Tom and Nina and the. A enjoyable evening at home. This is my week to get all my paperwork done so I can start school. I am going to start at. rcc but I want to transfer to univ of orgeon it is less expensive and. Better school we will see how things go. Other then that all is great. I can not complain I have a great man in my life I am a happy camper. See you

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Monday, March 22, 2010


Well here I sit in the heat. It is nice. I wonder about life. I have decedied to go back to school I know I will have to sacerfice yet I believe the rewards will worth it. Why must I have hurdels. I wish I could just do what is best.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday morning

Good morning from hometown buffet. Tom is enjoying his fried chicken with roast beef and coconut cream pie since breakfast is over. Oh happy day oh happy day. I hope all have a blessed day. Oh happy day

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Sunday, March 14, 2010


Well hello world.
Hope all is going good for Tom it is hard the boys took over his couch. It was so funny. And then Steinbeck gets up walks around to Tom and sticks his face right into Toms wanting love.
Life is so great when we forget about all the shit and enjoy the small things. I am a blessed person today and am very happy with all the gifts God has giving me. I hope everyone has a great week.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Ok so like I am now on the I phone and it allows me to post blogs real easy. I so wanted to avoid AT&T but man the iPhone rocks. I am so happy with it. It is such a nice device

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oh Great Life

Well it has been awhile since I posted anything here.
Life is ok. I can not complain. I am sitting at a nice computer in my house in the bedroom.
The boys are up here with me Tom is downstairs sick I hope he gets better.
I have decided to go back to school. Unsure what to get my degree in but it is now or never.
I am worried about the financial aspect of it but I know God will take care of us.
We have had some bad luck with Roommates cause we are not allowing God to decided but the money. i have decided to step back and let God take care of it and I know it will work out.