Monday, December 14, 2009

Hello World

Greetings my friends the close of the year is upon us. We are in the season of celebration and Peace. IN this crazy world it is important to remember all the great things we have.
For me it is life, Sobriety, Tom, my kids, My pets, a job, friends close and far. The ability to enjoy life.
I have tried to look at life's in others eyes and failed. I have tried to close my eyes but life was still in session. I have learned that life is a great gift that we all can be grateful for or attempt to destroy. My family will one day be gone my friends come and go. The good the bad the great the least all are only for a moment yet life is always there. It is the very essence of life that allows me to grow. life is the breath to my thoughts the blood to my heart the tears to my pain. The laughter to my joy. Life is not a giver or a take life is constant it is us the vessels that life en voles into that make the choices to appreciate or destroy. Life the greatest gift.

Life is as a newborn pure and Innocent. neither knows wrong or right. Like a snow flake always different never the same. Humans have the ability to make life as we chose. If we pervert it then life will be perverted if we honor it then life will be honored. I was giving the gift of life to respect and cherish and in return I will be respected and cherished. The past I have not respected nor cherished this gift and today I have been giving a new chapter. Thank you