Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hello World

Well it has been a while since I wrote anything masn
my life is busy.
Any way just checking in and say all is ok.
I have added some goals to my life i want to move to Oregon a save up some money get Tom and I back on track find a nice place we can retire in. We need to take advantage of having James with us he told me he would move with us and that would be a Major savings, I hope I can convenience Tom cause we will never get ahead in California. I know his whole family is here and I dont think it will ever happen.
I think we will be ok the kids are ok I worry about Theo he lays around alot I think he is getting old I love all my kids so much.
I am going to Kansas on the 24th to see my sister I have not seen her in over 12 years I am kinda exceted but also it will be the first time I will be away from Tom.