Thursday, August 27, 2009

sometimes you have to ask why

Why do I allow this to go on I am a grown man who trys to be suportive and continue to be the backboard for others shit
It is not how my day is or what's going on with me. It is his day his shit and my responsiabilty
To resolve all the issues I am always told I never listen yet I feel I am never listened to I am the one
Who has to keep peace and tranquality no matter what. I had a fupwed day and then
No hi but come here and then all about someone else and then all about me and how
I never listen or valadate. Hey world it is hard to agree to something when you know it wrong
It sucks cause I either have to sell myself short or have drama
I hate it but this is why I ask why.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Ok I am back it has been awhile we have been so busy with life.
I have a few minutes to just let all know what is going on.
I got the ipod and it is so cool. I am very happy.
I have rekindle my relationship with my sister and girls.
I am going to go back to collage.
I have a great life and am very happy.